Monday, March 12, 2007

Early Morning

Early Morning started as a Sketch. Done in Oil Brushes with Painter 4.
Bird on a Wire

Bird on a Wire reminds me of North Dakota where I used to live but could be anywhere in the Midwest.
Painter 8. Just pixel dust.
A Street Somewhere

A Street Somewhere is a newer Painting.Done with Painter 4. Manipulating Pixels.
All That's Left

All That's Left is a small town that has seen better days. Started as a Sketch and Scanned into Painter 4 for enhancement.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Boats Waiting.

Boats Waiting. I did this one from a ref Photo. .
Alaska Village.

Alaska Village is probably best viewed in the heat of Summer. Painter 4 Oil
Canal Master

Canal Master
started as a sketch done on a small Memo pad at work while our Computers were down. Then scanned in and finished off in Painter 4-Oil. Totally pixel dust.